Friday, November 23, 2007


If you have never had a thyroid issue I'm sure you have really never considered your iodine levels.  I personally have gone from one extreme to the other.  Where I started out hyperthyroid I am now hypothyroid.  To me, in the beginning, this just resulted in suicidal thoughts and major depressive disorder.  Even a few years into therapy, after getting radioactive iodine to kill part of my thyroid, I still had some really ugly effects.  It wasn't until I switched from using Synthroid to Armour Thyroid.  Most thyroid medication is synthetic any only addressed T4 levels in your body.  Through treatment with many different medications I had learned that I responded better to T3 treatment though this did not get my TSH to the desired levels.  Upon doing some research on Armour I convinced my doctor to change my treatment to using only it.  Armour not only has T4 but also T3 and trace amounts of T2 and T1.  I have been on the same dosage for over two years (whereas before I was always getting increased about every 6 months). 

This change in medication, though, did not eliminate all of the problems.  You've read where I've joked about my weight.  The truth is, since being zapped 13 years ago I have been gaining weight at a rather high rate of speed.  Where I couldn't get above 115 I can now hardly get under 170.  Now, since getting off of the test medication I have dropped 8 pounds...but that is still a far cry from all that I have gained.  While I was at my N.A.E.T. appointment today I read an article they had in the office about Iodine Fulfillment Therapy.  Here I read that though I am getting treatment for hypothyroidism that I could still have an iodine deficiency.  Towards the end of the article (which can be read here if you didn't click the last link) there is a simple test for checking your iodine absorption rate.  Well, I'm doing the test.  I'm about 5 hours into it and it is looking like I'll be needing some iodine.  Here, look for yourself:

This picture is upon initial application...

Iodine Testthe second picture is at the 5 hour mark...

It would appear that my skin is readily absorbing the iodine.  I'll keep you posted on the progress through the 24 hour mark.  Hey, if getting my iodine levels where they should be can possibly eliminate the need for medication, I am all for it!  I can get the iodine supplements from my chiropractor's office and start treatment as soon as tomorrow if the need is proven to exist.

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