Tuesday, September 16, 2014

My normal is abnormal

Well, I saw the doctor and went over my results (this was a while back...I'm late posting).  Though things looked possibly grim, it turns out (according to my hematologist) that, for me, abnormal is my normal.  My blood levels did not vary or sway too much over the past several years nor are they doing so now.  That means that there is no evidence of my bone marrow producing too many red blood cells as to pose a large threat to my health or to indicate polycythemia vera. 

I take this as welcomed news.  The fact that I get to proclaim even more that I am abnormal is a tremendous bonus! :)  Knowing that I do not have to get therapeutic phlebotomies is a good thing too...though, I sometimes wish I could still donate blood just to keep the number lower and to help those who are in need of O+ blood.