The other day I heard on a Christian radio station that a lady was so excited because her 8 year old child approached her and asked what she needed to do in order to be saved. This is totally awesome news...where the story gets me kinda in a not so awesome mood is that the mother had to call her friend to find out how to lead her child to Christ. I am glad that her friend knew; but, as a Christian parent she should have known what to do herself (well, at least that's what I think otherwise I have to actually question the salvation of the parent). As a Christian period one should know how to lead someone to the Lord.
I shared this little story with my daughter without imputing my opinion of the mother's lack of knowledge and she totally went down the same road of thought. What she proceeded to tell me was completely cool. She said that the mother needs to learn her ABC's! I asked for further explanation and this is what I got, "A=admit you're a sinner; B=believe that Jesus died for your sins and rose from the grave; and C=confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and ask Him to be your Savior."
So, for any of you out there who lacks the knowledge to lead someone to the Lord you should probably learn your ABC's too. Kids have a way of making things so much more simple than adults tend to.
What have we learned today??? Admit, Believe and Confess! There you have your ABC's of becoming a Christian.
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