A couple times this week as well as previous weeks in the not so distant past there have been "street preachers" in the area of the bus stop that I use to get home after work. The first time I heard one of these preachers I didn't really care for listening to him. After I got on my bus I had to ask myself, "Why?" Was it because of his message? Was it because of what he looked like? Was it because of where he was? What? What? What? I determined that I didn't like the particular way he was speaking the Word of God. I had to really evaluate myself to make sure it wasn't what he was actually saying that was rubbing me the wrong way. It was from this point on that I decided that I would have to be more supportive of those spreading the Gospel in this way. I'm sure not called to do it (and I don't believe that many who do it are called to it either); but, that doesn't mean that the person doing the preaching can't use my prayer and support.
So, this week when another preacher showed up on the scene I decided that I would not ignore him or pretend that I didn't hear his words. You know, being a Christian, there is no reason that I should ever be offended by the Word of God unless it is being used improperly...but then that would be offence directed at the abuser and not God's Word anyway.
This particular preacher that showed up this week was really good! I mean, I could listen to him at church (you know, the time when I actually use my own car and energy to get to where the Word of God is being taught). I never heard one word of condemnation from him. He truly was spreading the word of God's love. He was relevent and spoke to people concerning their every day lives. I couldn't help being captivated by his words. I found myself praying for those near him to have their ears, eyes and hearts opened to the message of the Love of God he was sending forth. I didn't want to get on my bus when it arrived. I could honestly feel the Power of God right there on the downtown streets of San Antonio.
The title of this article comes from an encounter I had with a fellow bus rider once we left our stop on our bus. This gentleman turned to me and stated that had the preacher gotten on our bus that he would have gotten off at the next stop. In response I told him, "Well, I would much rather hear what he has to say than at least 90% of the people on this bus." He didn't like that too much and turned away with only a couple other words to be uttered. I really wanted to ask him what had offended him so about the man. (Well, duh, we're all human...I think that's a given. But I wanted to hear him say that it was because he was talking about God and Jesus and that church is where that should be talked about...no to people on the street who really have no interest)
What he said, though, got me to thinking. What offends me? What offends you? What offends Christians? I would be willing to bet that the person sitting next to me was not athiest nor were any others at the bus stop. I am of the persuasion that most of the people there (and the gentleman beside me) were raised in a church and would claim to be some type of Christian/Catholic related religion. We see polls all the time that still show that 80% of the U.S. believing in God and the Bible. If this is the case, why are so many of these very people offended or embarrased about hearing and seeing streat preachers? We'll wear our little Jesus pins; but, don't ask us about it!
I believe that it boils down to the fact that many of these very "believers" know in their head what they have been reaised to believe. Many of them do not know what it is to know it in their hearts. It says that if you are ashamed of me before men I will be ashamed of you before my father. This was Jesus speaking to us. If we believe in Him then we should not ever be offended by hearing His word on the street, on T.V., on the radio...anywhere where people can share His good news.
This got me to thinking even further. When was the last time I actually led somebody to Christ? It's been a while. Perhaps because most of the people in my life already know Him or at least know where I stand concerning Him. I would venture to guess that many others are in this same place. The only thing I can say is that once I started to think of this I immediately prayed to God to make me more effective for Him. His agenda should be the only one that I should be striving to acheive. How easy it is to get our eyes off of His purpose. That's not to say that I don't talk about Jesus and God...I simply have not been or at least allowed myself to be in the place where God could use me to lead someone to Christ in a long time. Now, that offends me. So, I guess in answer to my question, I offend myself by not doing what it is that I have been called to do for the Son of the Living God who gave His life that I may live. The very Son who rose from the grave three days after those who should have known better put Him to death because they didn't like what He had to say. The same Son who lives to this day and will forever more.
Think back to when you first received Christ as your Savior. Do you still talk about him with the ferver and love that you once did? I know we mature in our knowledge and understanding...but, do you look more like Christ now than you did before that time? If you don't, that should offend you.
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