Last night I made my Mexican a sourdough spice cake for his birthday. Well, I actually had to start the day before and let the starter (which is already over a month old! yeah, he is SDS2 is doing so well) ferment some of the ingredients and then make it last night. It turned out wonderful! It's about as close to made from scratch as you can get as I did use my own hand made butter and I even ground my own nutmeg and cloves. I didn't have any fresh ginger or cinnamon so pre-ground got used for those.
Just as a side note, if you grind your own cloves (this does not apply to nutmeg where you use a hand grater) make sure the container that they are being ground in is not plastic. I found out the hard way last night that clove oil is really hard to get off of plastic and even alters the texture and appearance of the plastic. I don't yet have a grain mill; so, I had to use my food processor for the job. It did okay...but, now I really want a grain mill! It smelled so good in my kitchen and the fresh spices really stood out in the cake.
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