Saturday, December 01, 2007

A Charlie Brown Chirstmas

My daughter has decided that she doesn't want to put up our big Christmas tree this year.  When I asked said child why this was her response was that she didn't want to have to put everything away.  I guess this is because she and my mom did most of the work last Christmas as I was still recovering from a hysterectomy gone bad that occurred the day after Christmas.  So, when I asked my child what she wanted to do for a tree she stated that she wanted a little a Charlie Brown tree.  Well, we, as a family (mainly just me) decided that the best way to handle this without having all of the needles of the small tree fall off and make (and making me sick) would be to get a Norfolk know, one of the little potted scraggly looking pine trees. 

My husband and I had one a long time ago that was about 7 feet tall.  It was planted in a pot and sat on our front porch.  At the time we were living in an apartment on the second floor.  One day when afore mention spouse was leaving for Kung-Fu practice on Saturday morning he realized that some time during the night that our tree had been stolen.  This was a rather large tree and was exceedingly heavy.  There had to have been at least 4 people to cart the thing away.  Well, spousy-poo was a bit miffed and came back inside to tell be about the travesty.  I only mention this because when he opened the door our cockatiel, Waygo, lived up to his name and flew out the door never to be seen least by us. 

Okay, back on topic.  The family has decided to get a Norfolk Pine for our tree this year.  This will be a tree that we can keep in a pot and take inside Christmas Treeand out as we see fit.  And, if there is ever a desire to have a real tree or another Charlie Brown tree we'll already have it.  We picked up one today.  The poor little thing.  It really needs some love.  It is a bit scraggly; but, that just fits the bill for what was desired.  Here is a picture of our head decorator doing the honors.  The tree is seated upon a pedestal and is fully pictured here in its complete glory.  From this angle it looks like it is standing up straight.  The truth is, there is no way to do this.  If you get it straight on one side then all of the others are way out of whack.  It is really pathetic.  How cute is that?  Our very own Charlie Brown Tree for Christmas 2007.  One added benefit to this little tree is that the kitties can not climb it like they do the big one!  They may still run off with the little decorations; but, at least I won't find any kitties sleeping in its limbs.

Just so you know, my child does still want to decorate the outside of the house in our usual manner.  I guess this is because:  first of all, she wants to show off to her friends and second, she knows she won't be asked to put away the lights because she would only proceed to put them all in knots that would just enrage her mother.

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